Apple CEO Tim Cook explains why the iPhone may never support sideloading of apps

Apple CEO Tim Cook emphatically explained that iPhones will never let users sideload apps onto the device. Sideloading is a big part of how the Android ecosystem opens its doors to developers from all corners, and allows multiple App Store content to be published/installed on smartphones.

iPhones have been resistant to such practices, and Cook says the company believes sideloading apps puts user data and privacy at risk.

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He also mentioned that sideloading apps reduces the effectiveness of App Store protection, which can be used by third-party actors to bypass devices for their mischievous acts.

“This means that data-hungry companies will be able to evade our privacy regulations and once again track our users against their will. This potentially shields bad actors from the extensive security protections we put in place.” will provide a way, put them in direct contact with our users,” Cook said on the sidelines of the Global Privacy Summit in Washington DC this week.

He also mentioned that checking apps before they are published on the App Store is an important way to keep the device and its data secure. And allowing apps to be installed without any scrutiny can be harmful not only to the user but also to the iPhones as a hardware ecosystem.

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While Cook’s pitch against sideloading has merit, his argument for the lack of support on the iPhone isn’t very convincing. Privacy is a big plus for iPhone users, but that comparison is becoming a lot more mundane. Apple can certainly find a way to fix the shortcomings that exist with sideloading apps, and provide the world with a better methodology that the industry leads as an example.

Apple’s close-knit garden ecosystem has been lauded for years, but anti-competitive maneuvers are becoming harder to ignore.

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And executives are clearly looking to change that trend, something that Apple hasn’t been eager to sign up for today or forever.

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