Anupama Update: The hidden motive behind Barkha’s entry in Anupama and Anuj Kapadia’s life?

Tuesday’s episode of Anupama begins with Anupama and Anuj Kapadia spending some time with their brother and sister-in-law. When they sit down for lunch together, Anuj asks Anupama if she should cook some Indian food for her. Anupama refuses and says that she wants to try the food cooked by Barkha. Amidst all this, Gopi Kaka also comes. Barkha is a little surprised by the care and attention Anuj and Anupama show to Kaka. She also asks if Anupama cooks food for Gopi Kaka. When the newly wed couple Gopi asks Kaka to sit with them for lunch, he refuses which makes Barkha happy.

Barkha further notices the love between Anupama and Anuj and becomes jealous of her. When Barkha mentions that she wants to change some of the interiors of the house, Anuj interrupts saying that she has to take permission from the owner of the house – Anupama.

Meanwhile, Pakhi was seen interacting with Makhi at the sangeet ceremony. As Adhika tries to flirt with her, Toshu notices and gets into a heated argument with Pakhi, considering her teasing. As Toshu grabs Adik by his collar, Paakhi tells him that he was the one who actually helped him on the eve. They all leave from there.

At home, Vanraj tells Bapuji that he is insecure about losing his children. He tells his father that he does not want to lose his children after losing Anupama.

At the Kapadia residence, Anuj’s brother tells him that he has closed his business in America. Anuj gets shocked by this. However, Barkha tells that Ankush does not want to stay away from his own people and his country. While there is an indication that Barkha is lying, an innocent Anupama thinks that she has given up her entire business to be with Anuj and him. Barkha further says that she has also started looking for a home in India. Frustrated and angry, Anuj asks them to stay with him. Anupama also says that all of them should live together. As Barkha argues that there will be trouble if they stay together, Anupama and Anuj request that they not live separately. It is then revealed that the boy (Addhi) and the girl (Sara) whom Samar and Pakhi met are Ankush and Barkha’s children. However, in the midst of all this, there are indications that all this is part of Barkha and Akash’s conspiracy.

Meanwhile, in the upcoming episode, we will see Barkha urge Ankush to demand his right in Anuj Kapadia’s business.

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