Android Voice Chat App With 5 Million Downloads Exposes User Data And Conversations

Last Update: February 24, 2023, 08:15 IST

5 million downloads is a large sample size to worry about

5 million downloads is a large sample size to worry about

The app helps people share private conversations but all the data was stored in an insecure manner.

Popular Android voice chat app with over 5 million downloads is leaking data including users’ conversations. The OyeTalk app uses Google’s Firebase mobile app development platform, but according to a report all the data stored on the platform was left vulnerable without any password protection.

According to the details of the researchers cybernewsUsers’ content exposed includes IMEI numbers, their usernames on the app, and all unencrypted chats. But one has to agree that exposing IMEI numbers poses a huge risk to millions of people as bad actors can use the details to track devices and who owns them.

reports It is mentioned that the leaked database is around 500MB in size, which suggests that the attackers may have already accessed the data or even removed it from the available set, putting millions of people and their private chats at risk. Is.

The folks at CyberNews have also observed that API keys as well as most of the sensitive user data are hardcoded in the app which is never a good move and leaves people open to potential intrusions and data breaches. The researchers claim that their being so easily available reflects the sloppy work done by the developers of the app.

But this is not the only thing worrying. CyberNews team reached out to the developers of the voice chat app and did not receive any response from the company. After all, it was Google’s security measures that were used to fix the loophole and ensure the security of the database.

We regularly come across security instances like this but having security flaws in apps that leak data like IMEI numbers is a big concern. Having more than 5 million users means that the app is popular but if you are one of them, we suggest that you delete the app immediately and reset the passwords of important accounts.

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