Analytics: Google to replace Universal Analytics: What does it mean – Times of India

Google has announced that it is going to replace Universal Analytics With its next generation measurement solution Google Analytics 4. The search giant through its official support page has announced and confirmed that the standard Universal Analytics The property will stop processing new hits from July 1, 2023. The company has also recommended users to start using google analytics 4 In future if they still depend on Universal Analytics. Here we will discuss what Universal Analytics is and other recommendations Google has made about it.
What is Universal Analytics?
Universal Analytics is a data collection technology used for web-based analysis. It uses analytics.js tracking code for websites, software development kits (SDKs) for mobile applications, and measurement protocols for other digital tools.
What’s up with Universal Analytics?
Google has noted that users may continue to use and store new data in their Universal Analytics properties until July 1, 2023. After this date, users will be able to access their pre-processed data in their Universal Analytics properties for at least six months. Keeping in mind the importance of data for users, Google has also recommended exporting historical reports during the six-month tenure.
Other important Google recommendations about Universal Analytics
Google is going to provide a future date for when existing Universal Analytics properties will no longer be available in the coming months. After this date users will no longer be able to view their Universal Analytics reports in the Analytics interface or access their Universal Analytics data through the API.
The company encourages users to switch to Google Analytics 4 as soon as possible. This will help them to create the necessary historical data and use in the new experience. It will also prepare users for continuity with Google Analytics 4 when Universal Analytics is not available.
Users who will be affected by the change
Google also mentioned on its support page that if an asset was created before October 14, 2020, it is likely using a Universal Analytics asset. These users will have to switch in the coming days. Whereas if users have created any asset after the mentioned date, they are probably using Google Analytics 4 and no action is required in that case.