Analysis: HINDUTVA – BJP’s TRUMP CARD for coming Madhya Pradesh Assembly Polls?

Bhopal, 6 December (IANS) | Hindutva has undoubtedly been a major tool of polarization in BJP politics, but it had little impact in Madhya Pradesh, whether before or after the Babri Masjid demolition. However, relentless attempts at polarization indicate that the liberal system of governance will now be a thing of the past, and the Hindutva card will come to the fore in the 2023 assembly elections.

When the Babri Masjid was demolished in Uttar Pradesh, the Bharatiya Janata Party was in power in Madhya Pradesh. After a brief period of President’s rule, elections were held in 1993 and the BJP government led by Sunderlal Patwa was thrown out of power. The Congress led by Digvijaya Singh ruled the state for the next 10 years, following the rules of liberal governance.

More importantly, the current Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan, who is a member of the right-wing Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), did not allow communalism to flourish in Madhya Pradesh and ruled the state with a liberal governance system. His rule earned him the image of the ‘liberal face of the RSS’, and his liberal governance system not only ensured the BJP’s longest rule in the state but also strengthened the party.

Senior journalist NK Singh, who has closely followed the politics of Madhya Pradesh for nearly four decades, said that the state has been a bastion of the right wing for the past several decades, but the BJP has grown stronger under the chief minister’s leadership. Chauhan.

See, apart from RSS, many other right-wing groups were flourishing in MP for the last several years and their long-standing efforts strengthened the BJP in the state. But the leadership of Shivraj Singh strengthened the roots of the party and it happened. Because of his style of governance. He tried to reach out to the deprived sections of the society and he kept hardline Hindutva away from his rule,” Singh said.

He pointed out that the Digvijaya Singh-led Congress was voted out of power in 2003, not because of the BJP’s Hindutva card, but because of inefficiency and growing corruption in the government. “BJP lost the 2018 assembly elections due to inefficiency and rising corruption. The Congress was not strong enough to defeat the BJP as factionalism prevailed among its top leaders. BJP lost the election because it could not handle the rising graph. Unemployment, corruption. The Congress got the benefit of the anti-incumbency wave,” Singh said.

BJP tried to play Hindutva card to hide its failure in 2018 election, but people of Madhya Pradesh did not accept it, they voted for change of governance. “Now, the list of unfinished business has increased and hence, there is a very good chance that the BJP will come out with a strong Hindutva card this time in an attempt to divert attention from the core issues ahead of the assembly elections in 2023. In fact, it has already started,” claimed Singh.

Political observers also believe that Chouhan was forced to change his style of governance and was forced to follow the agenda of the Centre, but after the results of the local body elections, he is back on his old track. But have come back.

“Till 2014, the BJP leadership of Madhya Pradesh used to set its own agenda, but now they have to follow the agenda of the Centre. Perhaps the central leadership has also understood this and again given a free hand to Chouhan. Communalism was” Madhya Pradesh Also high because there are very few seats that see a close contest between Hindus-Muslims, like in Bhopal, Shajapur, Khargone,” said Law Kumar Mishra, another journalist.

(The above article has been taken from news agency IANS. has not made any editorial changes to the article. News agency IANS is solely responsible for the content of the article)