An inclusive platform that makes you feel your opinion: Mayank Bidavatka, Co-Founder of Koo

New Delhi: Koo, India’s multilingual multi-blogging platform, believes it has something that Chinese or American social media apps lack, and is a platform that makes people feel about their opinions.

In an interview with ABP, Koo co-founder Mayank Bidavatka talks about the app, its growing presence in India, expansion plans and more.

According to Bidavatka, in the broadest sense, Ku is an inclusive forum where one can express their opinion on any matter and others can react and counter-comment on it. He said that the main difference between the two lies in the approach when compared to the social media platform Twitter.

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Ku was launched in March 2020. Bidavatka said the only thing on his mind was the audience in India, where a large population can’t speak English or speak broken English. Ku enables a person to express their thoughts and opinions in their own language, he said, adding that ku also helps to connect with people who speak the same language.

He said that in order to have an ‘immersive experience’, deep translation tools and the scope to express themselves in their native language were absolutely essential. This feature is missing in all other Chinese and US apps, Bidavatka said, which is where Ku differs from other applications.

Asked how political leaders are using Ku ahead of the assembly elections in some Indian states, Bidavatka said they are sharing regular updates to ensure that they reach as many audiences as possible. He added that the number of likes and comments on those posts also act as markers indicating the potential of the post.

Talking about the feature of ‘banning’ a user over an offensive statement, Bidavatka said that unlike Twitter, Ku believes in moderating a statement rather than directly banning the user.

At a time when data-security is the need of the hour, the co-founder of Koo said that some of India’s top ethical hackers have been roped in to boost the security of the app.

When asked about the development of the Ku app, Bidavatka said the acceptance and expansion has been tremendous. Ku has eight languages ​​and users range from celebrities in various fields such as sports, politics and movies to the general public.

With an eye on expanding the app to other countries as well, Bidavatka concluded the interview by saying that Koo is an app that helps take a certain opinion from a close friend circle to a larger audience than you think. That your opinion matters.
