Among 27 wives, Chandradev used to love Rohini more: Because of discrimination, father-in-law cursed tuberculosis

  • Hindi News
  • National
  • Due to discrimination, the father-in-law cursed Chandra Dev with tuberculosis.

6 hours agoAuthor: Pt. Vijayshankar Mehta

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Story – Daksha Prajapati married his 27 daughters to Moon. Although all 27 wives should have been equal for Moon, but he loved Rohini very much.

The remaining 26 wives of Chandra complained about this to their father Daksha Prajapati. Daksha said to Chandra, ‘I am the father of 27 daughters and all daughters are equal to me. If I have married them to you, then all the wives should be same for you too. So why do you discriminate against your wives? Why love Rohini the most and despise the rest?

Chandra agreed to treat everyone equally in front of Daksha, but later did not comply. Chandra’s wives again complained to their father about Chandra, then father-in-law cursed their son-in-law that you should get tuberculosis. Today this disease is known as TB.

Because of this curse, Chandra Dev got tuberculosis, he became very sad. Seeing Chandra Dev sick, all the gods started worrying. All the gods reached Brahma ji and told about Chandradev being ill and asked, ‘How to cure Chandradev’s disease? Please suggest some remedy.’

Brahma ji said, ‘Chandradev with all the deities should go to Prabhas Kshetra and chant the Mahamrityunjaya Mantra by making a Shivling. Then tuberculosis can be cured.

When Chandradev did this, Shiva appeared. Shiva said, ‘Your arts will decline in the month’s favor and your arts will continue to grow in the other side.’ For this reason, even today the moon increases in one side and decreases in the other side.

Lesson – The message of this anecdote is that one should never discriminate in relationships. When Chandra did this, father-in-law did curse given. Today, in many families, people criticize each other when they should not. Discrimination and criticism in the family is a threat to relationships.

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