Amidst allegations and counter allegations on ‘suicide’, Cuttack police will now investigate the murder of the man. Bhubaneswar News – Times of India

Bhubaneswar: Amid the opposition’s attack on the ruling BJD over the alleged suicide of Dusmanta Das near the assembly on Wednesday, Mangalbagh police in Cuttack on Friday took over the investigation from their counterparts in Kujunga.
Das had allegedly slit his wrist and consumed poison near the assembly last year to protest the government’s alleged denial of free treatment to him under the BSKY.
The Kujanga police in Jagatsinghpur district had on Thursday registered a case of murder after Das’s mother alleged that an unidentified man, who took her son to Bhubaneswar, killed her. In her complaint, Basanti Das alleged that an unidentified person might have slit her son’s wrist and forced him to consume poison so that the drastic step would draw the government’s attention to his plight regarding BSKY.
Since Das died during treatment SCB Medical College and Hospital In Cuttack, Kujunga Police handed over the case to Mangalbagh Police on the basis of jurisdiction. “Our investigation is on. The allegation of the mother of the deceased is being confirmed,” Cuttack Deputy Commissioner of Police Prateek Singh said.
NS BJP On Friday also kept attacking the government on this issue and demanded CBI Examine the circumstances that led to the death of the slave. The BJP said his alleged suicide exposed the state government’s poor health system.
“The government, which has been refusing to implement the Centre’s Ayushman Bharat-Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana (AB-PMJAY) in Odisha, has now been exposed after denying treatment to Das under the Biju Swasthya Kalyan Yojana. We demand Rs 50 lakh compensation to the next of kin of the deceased, government job to the wife of the deceased and a CBI inquiry into his death.
BJD general secretary (media affairs) Manas Mangraj said those who are demanding a CBI probe calling it a suicide, should answer the allegations of Das’s mother who said she was murdered. “Police is probing the matter. Let the police trace the people who brought Das (who could not walk due to injury after the accident) to Bhubaneswar and trace the sequence of events that led to his unfortunate death. Hui. Mangraji added.
