American Girl Proclaims New ’90s Dolls Are Historic—And We’re Feeling Old – E! Online

If you’re a ‘90s baby, just consider yourself totally historic! 

Well, it’s certainly the case for American Girl’s latest historical dolls Isabel and Nicki Hoffman, who were first introduced to shoppers Feb. 22. Described as fraternal twins born in 1999, the dolls look as if they walked out of the movie Clueless with a Spice Girls CD in their saddle bag.

“Given the prevalent wave of ‘90s trends and pop culture nostalgia, we’re excited to celebrate like it’s 1999 with our newest historical duo Isabel and Nicki,” said General Manager of America Girl Jamie Cygielman. “From the start, The American Girls Collection has been central to our mission in helping build girls of strong character through inspiring stories and products that show them how the past is full of lessons that can be applied to the present.” 

According to American Girl, Isabel and Nicki hail from Seattle, Wash., which is home of the grunge music explosion. Isabel is bubbly, extroverted and very into pop music while Nicki is described as thoughtful, introverted and passionate about skateboarding.