America: Fmr Louisiana taken to Guv Edwards funeral site

Baton Rouge (US) (AP) Bagpipes played as an honor guard carried a flag-wrapped coffin containing the body of former Louisiana governor Edwin Edwards on Sunday down the stairs of Louisiana’s sprawling state capitol and transported horses to Loaded it on the pulled car. at his funeral site. The four-time former governor died last Monday at his home in Gonzales at the age of 93 after putting himself in hospice care following a respiratory illness. His body was laid on Saturday at the Capitol, where members of the public were allowed to file.

The Southern University Marching Band was part of a procession that carried the body from the 34-story Capitol built in the 1930s to the Old State Capitol, a 19th-century structure where a private funeral ceremony for Edwards took place, nearly a mile . was held. Speakers included current governor John Bel Edwards with no relation to the former governor, who praised Edwards as a consensus builder and deal maker who modernized state government and to fund education and the state’s charity hospital system. Worked hard

As he once said, he was both a realist and a dreamer who often dreamed of a better world and worked to create it,” the current governor said publicly about Edwards Sunday afternoon. Edwin Edwards was a prominent figure in Louisiana politics until the end of the 20th century, having served in the state Senate and Congress before winning the presidency.

He became famous for sharp wit, deadpan one-liners and political acumen, which led him to two terms as governor in the 1970s, one in the 80s and the other in the early 90s. He praised it for making a push for a new state constitution, bringing black people into state government and ushering in the state’s prosperity with changes to oil taxes in the 1970s.

He was in power during the completion of the Louisiana Superdome and was instrumental in efforts that placed the NFL’s Saints in New Orleans, saved the financially troubled 1984 World’s Fair, brought a casino to New Orleans, and eventually a NBA team. But he too was often hit by accusations of wrongdoing.

During his third term he was tried and acquitted on corruption charges. After a failed re-election bid in 1987 written off as political after all, he was re-elected in 1991 after securing a runaway spot against a former leader of the Ku Klux Klan. He was prosecuted and convicted in 2000 for rigging the Riverboat Casino licensing process. He insisted that he did nothing wrong, blaming the conviction on perjury.

They served eight years in prison, emerging to marry for the third time in 2011 at the age of 83. Bride Trina Grimes Scott was 32 then. He also had a son. Edwards had four grown children from her first marriage. (AP).

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