Amarnath Yatra will start from June 30, keep these things in mind

new Delhi: Amarnath Yatra will start from June 30. It was banned for the last two years in view of the pandemic.

During the 43-day long Amarnath Yatra, the Jammu and Kashmir administration has asked the devotees to strictly follow the protocol related to Kovid-19.

The Amarnath Yatra was performed symbolically during the corona pandemic in 2020 and 2021, during which some mahants and the sacred mace were taken by helicopter to the Amarnath temple.

Earlier in August 2019, the Amarnath Yatra had to be canceled midway after amendments to Article 370 and 35A in the Constitution.

At the same time, this year the journey of Amarnath Yatra has brought happiness for the devotees starting from both the routes, whether it is from Pahalgam track in Anantnag district or Baltal route from Ganderbal district.

Register before leaving for Amarnath Yatra

Before going on Amarnath Yatra, devotees have to take care of some special things.

Registration is a must before embarking on this journey, but the process is tedious.

In such a situation, passengers will have to register about a month before the journey, because without this the travel permit is not given.

keep these things with you

While traveling to Amarnath, carry warm clothes, a waterproof trekking coat, torch, gloves, jacket, monkey cap, woolen socks, thin warm clothing, cap and gloves according to the weather there. Carry an umbrella, raincoat and waterproof shoes with you as well, as sudden changes in weather and rain are common.

Keep torches, nuts, roasted gram, biscuits and chocolates with you, canned food these things may be needed during travel. Don’t forget to carry essential medicines in your bag, the weather is not for everyone there, so carry Band Aids, Iodex, Dettol, Headache, Dizziness and Body Pain medicine with you.

The weather is not favorable for all the pilgrims who visit Amarnath, reaching the altitude, many people start having problems of oxygen. To get rid of this problem, take medicine and spray oxygen immediately. Tell the army standing at the place any kind of problem that comes in the way, they will help you.

Strictly follow all the rules and regulations laid down by the Amarnath Shrine Board, do not stop at the warning spots at all. Avoid any activity that harms the environment.

Wear loose clothing while traveling, apply sunscreen, lip balm, cold cream to protect the skin from sun damage despite the coolness there.