Amarnath Incident: 16 killed, 35 airlift injured so far; Travel can start again in a day or two

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Amarnath Cave, Jammu and Kashmir17 minutes ago

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So far 16 people have died due to cloudburst near Amarnath cave. The army resumed the rescue operation on Saturday morning. 35 injured have been airlifted. 45 people are still missing and the mountain rescue team is looking for them. CRPF DG Kuldeep Singh said that right now we are taking all precautionary measures to see if all the missing people are found or not. The journey may resume in a day or two.

According to the information, the administration had postponed the yatra on Friday night itself. No traveler is allowed beyond the base camps at Pahalgam and Baltal.

Despite the accident, enthusiasm among devotees

Despite the influx near the holy cave on Friday, there has been no loss in the courage of the pilgrims going for the Amarnath Yatra. Late on Friday, a batch of pilgrims from Jammu base camp left for Baltal and Pahalgam base camps in Kashmir.

279 vehicles of pilgrims from Jammu were dispatched in the convoy. However, the local people have called it the mis-management of the administration. They say that the number of pilgrims at the Bhagwatipur base camp in Jammu had increased, so despite the suspension of the yatra, the pilgrims were sent to Baltal and Pahalgam.

Cloud burst within a radius of one or two km of the holy cave

There was a cloudburst near Amarnath cave at 5.30 pm on Friday evening. At the time when the cloud burst, 10 to 15 thousand devotees were present near the cave. Three women are also among those who died in this incident. ITBP said that 15 thousand people have been safely taken to Panchtarni near the holy cave.

Due to the cloudburst, about 25 tents and two to three langars set up for the devotees were washed away by the strong current from the mountains. Due to the rain, the entire area was rapidly flooded and many people got affected by it. Several pilgrims are missing and they are feared to be swept away by the strong current.

Where the clouds burst in Amarnath, everything is raw: Last year also the clouds were torn at the same place, but Corona had saved lives

Dainik Bhaskar’s reporter is bringing you the first pictures after the accident from Ground Zero. You can see them below…

After the accident, there was panic in the area, people panicked and came out of their tents.

After the accident, there was panic in the area, people panicked and came out of their tents.

The water flowing rapidly between the mountains came out from between the tents and many tents were washed away due to its grip.

The water flowing rapidly between the mountains came out from between the tents and many tents were washed away due to its grip.

Members of the rescue team while taking out the body of a devotee killed in the incident, so far 16 deaths have been confirmed.

Members of the rescue team while taking out the body of a devotee killed in the incident, so far 16 deaths have been confirmed.

After the accident, the devotees came out of the tents despite the rain, panic was clearly visible on everyone's faces.

After the accident, the devotees came out of the tents despite the rain, panic was clearly visible on everyone’s faces.

The team of Jammu and Kashmir Police along with Army, ITBP, CRPF, NDRF and SDRF is continuously engaged in the rescue.

The team of Jammu and Kashmir Police along with Army, ITBP, CRPF, NDRF and SDRF is continuously engaged in the rescue.

After the cloudburst, the weather near the cave cleared.  The tents of the devotees can be seen on the left in this picture.

After the cloudburst, the weather near the cave cleared. The tents of the devotees can be seen on the left in this picture.

This year the Amarnath Yatra has started from June 30, due to Corona, the Yatra could not be done for the last two years.

This year the Amarnath Yatra has started from June 30, due to Corona, the Yatra could not be done for the last two years.

Amarnath Shrine Board, J&K Police and NDRF released helpline numbers

  • 0194 2313149
  • 0194 2496240
  • 9596779039
  • 9797796217
  • 01936243233
  • 01936243018

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