All Play, No School: Are we letting COVID-19 pass with flying colours?

‘Genomic analysis of these cases is essential’

It comes at a time when parts of the world such as South Africa, Hong Kong and Botswana are battling the deadly new variant – Omicron. The Karnataka government on November 27 issued a circular stating that international arrivals from the three countries will have to undergo a COVID-19 test, and those who test positive will be placed under 10-day institutional isolation.

Dr. Ballal emphasized the priority of genomic analysis.

Dharwad DHO Dr Yashwant A Madinkar said, “Samples of those who have tested positive have been sent to the respective Insacog accredited laboratory for Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS), and the results are expected on December 1.

Health workers and health ministers also agree that there has been a certain level of complacency, especially among those who have been vaccinated.

“That’s why travel has returned to normal,” Amin said, adding that these COVID clusters are indicators of an “It’s OK” attitude that has set in. “COVID is not gone,” asserted Health Minister K Sudhakar. “It is clear that people have taken this lightly. Let us be more responsible and cautious,” the minister said.
