All India Debit and Investment Survey report: Punjab’s rural richer than Bihar’s urban, Maharashtra tops in urban area, Haryana in rural

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  • Punjab’s rural is more prosperous than Bihar’s urban people, Maharashtra tops in urban area, Haryana tops rural

New Delhi5 minutes ago

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Haryana is followed by Punjab in terms of average village wealth.  - Dainik Bhaskar

Haryana is followed by Punjab in terms of average village wealth.

Maharashtra-Gujarat is considered to be included in the richest and dazzling states. Cities like Mumbai, Surat, Pune are called the city of the rich, but the report of All India Debit and Investment Survey (AIDIS) has revealed a shocking. The villagers of Haryana have the highest average wealth in the country. Their wealth is more than the urban people of a state like Maharashtra and three times the average wealth of rural areas of the whole country and one and a half times more than urban wealth.

The average property price of Haryanavi villages is Rs 4,478 while those in urban areas of Maharashtra have an average property price of Rs 4,213. Haryana is followed by Punjab in terms of average village wealth, while Rajasthan is the state with the highest average wealth in cities after Maharashtra. If we talk about the average of the whole country, the average of the rural people is Rs 1,592 while the urban people have assets of Rs 2,717.

The land is also with most of the villagers

People in rural areas have 69.2 percent land while urban people have 49.4 percent. The deposits of villagers in banks etc. account for 4.5% of the total wealth and 9.1% of urban people. During the survey, people doing business, doing other work and both (agriculturists and non-cultivators) in rural-urban areas have been included. This includes land, houses, agricultural implements, means of transport, livestock, savings at bank or home, gold and silver, financial assets, deposits, shares and business other than agriculture.

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