‘All fundamental rights according to Islamic rules’: Taliban Women’s Day message

On International Women’s Day, the Taliban regime in Afghanistan gave a message to women – that they are ‘committed to providing a safe environment to meet the legitimate needs and demands of women’.

“On the occasion of International Women’s Day, I would like to say, women have all their fundamental rights as per Islamic rules. They can take advantage of this. The IEA is committed to providing a safe environment to meet their legitimate needs and demands,” tweeted Suhail Shaheen, Afghanistan’s Permanent Representative-designate to the United Nations and spokesman for the Taliban.

It comes after less than two months Taliban forces used pepper spray AFP news agency had reported that in Kabul to disperse a group of women demanding the right to work and education.

Also read: | Women can’t be ministers, they should give birth: Taliban spokesman

Since surprisingly coming to power last August by overthrowing a democratically elected government led by President Ashraf Ghani, the Taliban have ruled out any possibility of including a woman in their government and women. severe restrictions were imposed. A spokesperson also controversially said that women should be restricted to giving birth only to children.

Amid protests and outrage over the Taliban’s all-male government since the occupation of Afghanistan, Taliban spokesman Syed Zakarullah Hashimi said in an interview to Tolo News, “A woman cannot be a minister, it’s like you Put something on it. The neck she can’t lift.”

Also read: | In solidarity with girls, Afghan boys refrain from going to school

Girls woke up to the closure of schools as the Taliban only allowed schools for boys and male teachers to reopen after forming a government last year. Although, Schools reopened for girls In Herat, Afghanistan’s third-largest city, last November, in an apparent local change, news agency Associated Press reports.

The Taliban’s rapid capture of Kabul and Afghanistan led to an unprecedented exodus of people who left their country overnight to escape another brutal regime. Heart-wrenching scenes emerged from airports and land borders as people, desperate to flee, were separated from families. Some were even killed.