Bollywood actress Deepika Padukone faced massive trolling for flaunting her baby bump while voting recently. Several celebrities including Alia Bhatt, Pooja Bhatt, and others extended their support to the star and condemned the trolls.
Mom-to-be Deepika Padukone faced significant negativity on social media recently. Since announcing her pregnancy earlier this year, the actress hasn’t made many appearances flaunting her baby bump.
On May 20 the actress stepped out to cast her vote in the fifth phase of the Lok Sabha Election 2024 in Mumbai. However, she faced trolling from some netizens who made derogatory comments about her body and even questioned her baby bump.
In this ongoing trolling, senior journalist Faye D’Souza wrote a strongly-worded post on her social media handle condemning trolls for shaming Deepika’s baby bump.
Have A Look At Her Post :
In her Post, She wrote, “Dear social media, Deepika Padukone stepped out to do her democratic duty and vote. She did not ask for your feedback on her body or her pregnancy. You have no right to comment on any aspect of her life. Stop it. Behave.”
Several Actors came in her support as they liked her post after that the post went viral. Alia Bhatt was one of them and her sisters Shaheen Bhatt and Pooja Bhatt along with their mother Soni Razdan, also showed their support by liking the post.
Agreeing on the same, actress Shruti Seth wrote, “Luckily @deepikapadukone is too busy taking over the world to give a damn! She’s walking all over their damn opinions.” TV star Tina Datta said, “Exactly! People have lost it.”
Deepika’s fans are praising Alia and other actors for their supportive and empathetic stance towards their beloved star.
Moreover Deepika Padukone on the work front, The actress is currently occupied with her highly anticipated projects, one being the Pan India film ‘Kalki 2898 AD’ and the other being ‘Singham Again’.