Akhara Parishad: Will back BJP in UP, Uttarakhand: New Akhara Parishad chief | India News – Times of India

Prayagraj: Soon after being elected as the new President of All India Akhara Parishad (ABAP), Mahant Ravindra Puri of Niranjani Akhara clarified that “ABAP Will leave all its weight behind (BJP in ensuring this) Yogi Adityanath is the next Chief Minister of UP and he BJP According to the report of Rajiv Mani, win the Uttarakhand elections as well as the next general elections.
“Those (political parties) are with Ram, the Akhara Parishad is with them,” Puri said. He further said, “If Sanatan Dharma is to be saved, then Yogi There was considerable friction in the country’s top decision-making body, with representatives from only seven akhadas out of the 13 members attending the meeting convened in the city on Monday by the ABAP general secretary. Obvious. On October 21, another faction of the ABAP met in Haridwar, where an executive body was formed. Seven Akharas participated in the meeting.
