Akali leader Majithia’s troubles increased: Police engaged in scrutinizing property details; Old investigation report also claims link with gangster Jaggu Bhagwanpuria

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  • Punjab Synthetic Drug Case| SAD leader Bikram Majithia’s relationship with gangster after crores of rupees drug case

Chandigarh17 minutes ago

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Akali leader Bikram Singh Majithia is currently underground.  - Dainik Bhaskar

Akali leader Bikram Singh Majithia is currently underground.

Punjab’s veteran Akali leader Bikram Majithia seems to be in trouble. On Friday, the Mohali court rejected Majithia’s anticipatory bail. Police have started checking their property details. For this, the team of DGP, Vigilance Bureau and Special Task Force (STF) will do joint investigation.

At the same time, now links with Majithia’s gangster are coming out. In this the report of February 2020 of Punjab Police has come out. In which it is claimed that Majithia has links with infamous gangster Jaggu Bhagwanpuria and 3 other gangsters. In which Jagtar Singh alias Boxer, Abhijit Singh alias Ankuri Lekhari and Sonu Kangla are included.

Investigation done after Randhawa allegation, Majithia’s name came

The Punjab Police report states that Jaggu Bhagwanpuria was earlier a minor crook but after 2010 he became a notorious gangster. At that time Majithia had become very powerful. The Home Department of Punjab had come to Majithia’s brother-in-law Sukhbir Badal. The matter emerged after the incumbent Akalis accused Deputy CM Sukhjinder Randhawa of instigating Jaggu Bhagwanpuria.

After these allegations in the year 2019-20, Captain Amarinder Singh got it investigated as CM. This report of the Nexus of Gangsters and Politicians was submitted on 12 February 2020 but was not made public again. It is believed that in this case also the government can tighten the noose on Majithia. However, Akali leaders have rejected this report.

Police raid continues, Majithia will go to High Court

Punjab Police’s SIT is continuously raiding in search of Majithia named in the drugs case. After Rajasthan, the police has done raids in Uttar Pradesh as well but is not getting success. After the rejection of anticipatory bail from the Mohali court, now Majithia will move the High Court. Serious allegations have been made against Majithia like keeping the drug smuggler in the house, giving the car-gunman, getting the deal done.

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