Bollywood actor Ajay Devgn on Friday penned an emotional note in memory of his late father Veeru Devgan. On the occasion of his father’s birth anniversary, he wrote on Instagram, “I miss you everyday. Even more today. Happy birthday papa. Life is not the same.” Along with this, Ajay posted a throwback picture of himself with his father.
For those unaware, Veeru Devgan was a renowned action-choreographer and stunt director. He passed away on May 27, 2019, at the age of 85.
Fans also paid tribute to the late star Veeru Devgan. A user commented, “Happy birthday to one of the super talented person in the industry. He was a legend.” Another wrote, “Love this picture of you and your father.”
Meanwhile, Ajay Devgn and producer Dil Raju on Friday announced that they are collaborating for the Hindi remake of the Telugu film “Nandhi”, announced the makers. Devgn and Raju have acquired the rights of the 2021 crime courtroom drama, directed by debutant Vijay Kanakamedala and produced by Satish Vegesna.
The Telugu film, starring Allari Naresh in the lead, is the story of Surya Prakash, an undertrial prisoner who has been falsely accused of murder, awaiting verdict. Devgn said the aim is to reach out to a larger audience through the Hindi remake.
Taking to Twitter, Devgn wrote, “Time to share an important story with everyone! @DilRajuProdctns and @ADFFilms are all set to produce the Hindi remake of the Telugu hit, Nandi!”
Apart from this, Ajay will be seen in ‘May Day’, ‘Maidan’ and ‘Bhuj: The Pride of India’.