MumbaiBollywood superstar Ajay Devgn on Friday (June 25) wrote a heartfelt post on his late father Veeru Devgan’s birth anniversary. The ‘Singham’ star went down memory lane and shared an old picture with his father on social media. He expressed grief and said that his life was not the same after Veeru’s death.
‘Tanhaji: The Unsung Warrior’ can be seen posing with his father in the throwback snap. “I miss you everyday. Even more today. Happy birthday papa Life has never been the same,” Ajay Devgan tweeted.
Responding to the actor’s tweet, a fan shared an old picture of young Ajay with Veeru Devgn. He wrote, “Happy birthday Veeru Deogan sir and action director like you will always remember (we will always remember action director like you).”
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