Air pollution: As the level of AQI is severe, these groups are most at risk from complications of pollution. The Times of India

Now, while itchy eyes, burning, cough and sore throat are just some of the typical symptoms that we associate with polluted air, air pollution is something that is a serious health concern, and long-term affecting vital organs. gives result. It is also a condition that can worsen other pre-existing conditions, which has been shown to shorten life expectancy, and doctors say lethal pollution levels also pose a greater risk to particular risk groups. Due to which they are vulnerable to poor health, hospitalization. Heart attacks and cardiovascular diseases may also have a higher priority due to reduced air quality and pollutants that we inhale.

Not only is there an urgent and urgent need to root out air pollution to protect ourselves, but during this time, some patients and groups must be extremely careful, to prevent the problems from getting worse. Take extreme preventive care and precautions if you have one of the following:
