Ahmedabad: GM Award to JC Bank Director and Corona Warrior Sanjay Suryabali – Rail Hunt

  • Divisional Railway Manager Tarun Jain honored on behalf of Western Railway General Manager
  • Joint Divisional Minister of WREU received a citation with four thousand cash

Ahmedabad. Sanjay Suryabali, Joint Divisional Minister of WREU Ahmedabad and JC Bank Director, who emerged as a helper to the victims during the transition period of Corona, has received the GM Award. The award given by Western Railway General Manager was given by Divisional Railway Manager Tarun Jain in a program organized on November 1 at Divisional Railway Office. A cash prize of Rs 4,000 has been given to Sanjay Suryabali along with a citation as an award.

Sanjay Suryabali expressed his gratitude to the administration after receiving the award and said that it would not have been possible for him to do this work without the cooperation of the officials and colleagues. The award received by him is a reward for the cooperation given by DRM, ADRM, Senior DME, Senior DPO, CMS, DME etc.

On this occasion, Sanjay Suryabali also shared the memories of the Corona period. Said that when the lockdown happened at the end of March last year, from taking the migrant laborers to their homes to food and drink, arrangements were made with the help of railway workers. Stitched the mask himself and distributed it among the policemen, sweepers and common people. For this, former DRM Deepak Kumar Jha honored him with the Corona Warrior Award.

After this, he devoted his entire time in arranging medicines, injections etc., from getting the railway employees as well as the people coming in contact with him in the hospital. When the relatives of the patient also hesitated to go to him, then Sanjay Suryabali went to the hospital to know his condition and helped. Along with curbing the arbitrariness of private hospitals, pleaded from DRM to Western Railway GM to provide cooperation to railway workers. This also got results.

During the transition period of Corona, more than 40 dead bodies were cremated by Sanjay Suryabali along with his colleagues. The Divisional Organization Minister of Ahmedabad WREU, Misbahul Hasan has congratulated for the honor received by Sanjay Suryabali. From railway officials to colleagues have also congratulated Sanjay for the award.