AHMEDABAD: Education department employee faked 5,000 leave applications to encash Rs 10 crore. Ahmedabad News – Times of India

AHMEDABAD: Police officers are burning the midnight oil to ascertain the amount of paid leaves fraudulently encashed by a deputy accountant working in the Ahmedabad District Primary Education Office.
So far, accused Rajesh Rami has allegedly misappropriated around Rs 10 crore from the exchequer by encashing 5,000 fake leave applications in the name of various teachers. Officials, who believe they have just scratched the tip of the iceberg, expect the amount to be enormous.
Three police complaints have been registered against him in this regard.
police sources and Zilla Panchayat Office It was learned that Rami had forged documents in the name of teachers of all the eight taluks of Ahmedabad district.
“He committed fraud between the financial years 2016-17 and 2020-21. We have unearthed fraud of Rs 9.99 crore by looking at the documents relating to three taluks submitted in 2016-17 and 2017-18. So, we expect it to be a huge scam,” said an official of the district panchayat office.
The scam came to the fore in the audit report of 2016-17
A police officer disclosing the matter Ahmedabad city, said, “A complaint of cheating and forgery was filed against Rami” karanjo On July 15, the police had alleged embezzlement of Rs 7 crore by submitting fake leave encashment records. The scam came to light in the audit report of 2016-17 and when the account book was examined, it was found that crores of rupees have been misappropriated.
“Prima facie investigation has revealed that Rami had copied the names of various teachers and submitted fake applications in their names. He changed the account number and transferred the amount of paid leave to his or her family members’ bank accounts. As deputy accountant, he supervised the accounting work and spot irregularities,” said a police officer.
They used a similar method to misappropriate Rs 2.69 crore in the name of teachers from Mandal taluka and Rs 30 lakh from Detroz taluka of Ahmedabad district.
The complainant in the case, Deputy Primary Education Officer Mukesh Patel said that his department and the police are investigating the matter.
police sources and education Department The involvement of more people in the case was not ruled out. Meanwhile, Rami is still absconding.


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