Ahead of SCO summit, China says will work closely with member states on Afghan issues – Times of India

Beijing: Forward Shanghai Cooperation Organization summit, China said on Thursday that it is ready to maintain close communication and coordination with the member states of the bloc and work jointly Afghanistan To create an open and inclusive political framework in the war-torn country controlled by the Taliban.
The eight-member Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) grouping of China, Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, India and Pakistan will hold its 21st summit on Friday in the capital of Tajikistan. dushanbe.
Afghanistan is an observer in the SCO.
The SCO and the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) comprising Russia and Central Asian states will hold a joint summit on Afghanistan.
Prime minister Narendra Modi with the Chinese president Xi Jinping Will address the summit via video link.
When asked about the SCO and CSTO summits on Afghanistan, Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson zhao lijian He said at a media briefing that “the Afghan situation depends on regional security and stability”.
“The members of the SCO and CSTO are close neighbors of Afghanistan and they all actively support the peace and reconstruction and reconciliation process in Afghanistan,” he said.
“China is a member of the SCO that stands ready for closer communication and coordination with relevant countries, jointly works on Afghanistan to build an open and inclusive political framework, adopts liberal and prudent domestic and foreign policies, Makes a clean break with all forms. Live on friendly terms with terrorist groups and other countries. We stand ready to continue good neighborly and friendly cooperation with Afghanistan, and play a constructive role in its peace and reconstruction, “They said.
China, which has kept its embassy in Kabul open along with Pakistan and Russia, has maintained close contact with the Taliban’s interim government, although it has not formally recognized it.
Beijing has announced $31 million in aid for the war-torn country.
The Taliban seized power in Afghanistan on August 15, two weeks before the withdrawal of the entire US military on August 31 after two decades of costly warfare. This forced Afghan President Ashraf Ghani to leave the country and move to the United Arab Emirates.
Taliban insurgents stormed across Afghanistan and captured all major cities in a matter of days, as Afghan security forces trained and equipped by the US and its allies melted away.
Thousands of Afghan citizens and foreigners have fled the country to escape the new Taliban regime and seek refuge in various countries, including the US and several European countries, resulting in total chaos and deaths.
At the SCO, Zhao said that the group has overcome differences in social systems, histories and cultures, and successfully found a way to cooperate and develop a new type of regional organization.
The SCO members, he said, “have played an active role in regional and international affairs and have made important theoretical and practical explorations to build a new type of international relations and a community with a shared future for mankind.”
At the upcoming SCO summit, President Xi will review the success of the SCO with leaders of other countries, hold an in-depth exchange of views on SCO cooperation and key regional and international issues, and approve a series of new key cooperation documents, the Chinese The Spokesperson of the Ministry of External Affairs said that the SCO should charter a course to move forward.
“We believe that with the advancement of the Heads of State, the SCO will make new strides at new starting points and remain committed to building an even closer community for a shared future for the benefit of the peoples of all countries of the region.” added.
prime minister of pakistan Imran Khan Will pay a two-day official visit to Tajikistan to attend the 20th Shanghai Cooperation Organization Council of States (SCO-CHS) summit in Dushanbe.
The SCO, seen as an antidote to NATO, is an economic and security bloc that has emerged as one of the largest inter-regional international organizations.
India and Pakistan became its permanent members in 2017.
The SCO was founded in 2001 at a summit in Shanghai by the presidents of Russia, China, the Kyrgyz Republic, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan.
The SCO also has four observer countries – Iran, Mongolia, Belarus and Afghanistan and six dialogue partners – Azerbaijan, Armenia, Cambodia, Nepal, Turkey and Sri Lanka.
