Agra: What did the lady doctor of Railway Hospital do that created a ruckus – Rail Hunt

Agra. RPF jawan Yogesh Baghel, who came to the railway hospital for medical reasons, has made serious allegations of negligence on the doctors. Yogesh says that the doctor has put the wife in place of arbitration. Now the doctors are not coming in front of him and he is upset. Due to this negligence of Railway Divisional Hospital Agra, there is a ruckus in the entire zone. DRM has ordered CMS to investigate.

Actually, Yogesh Baghel’s wife Nirmala Baghel is three months pregnant. He was being treated at Fatima Hospital. Due to not getting the baby’s heartbeat, the doctor advised arbitration. After this Nirmala was admitted to Railway Divisional Hospital, Agra. After some time Yogesh Baghel came to know that Dr. Sangeeta had sterilized the pregnant wife without her permission. Now no doctor is even talking to Yogesh.

Listen to the story of RPF Jawan Yogesh Baghel

RPF jawan Yogesh has informed the police about this. He says that he has two daughters. The whole family is waiting for the son. In such a situation, his wife, who suddenly came for arbitration without any consent, has been decapitated by the doctor. RPF jawan’s ordeal is going viral. In this, he is seen speaking his point.

Banshi Badan Jha, Minister of North Central Railway Employees Union, Agra Division has given information about the whole matter to Agra DRM. He has drawn the attention of the Railway Administration towards the great negligence of the Railway Divisional Hospital, Agra and told that the wife of Smt Nirmala Baghel wife Yogesh Baghel (Constable, RPF Agra) has been sterilized by the female doctor at the place of abortion without any consent. . The DRM has ordered an inquiry in this matter.