Agniveer Aspirants Take Part In Physical Test, Health Check-up | Kanpur News – Times of India

Kanpur: The physical test and health check-up of the candidates, who have passed the online Agniveer recruitment examination, was conducted at the Chakeri Air Force station on Sunday.
While over 500 candidates appeared for rigorous physical fitness tests on the day, about 250 failed to make it. The tests include a 1600-km run in a minimum of 6.30 minutes.
“After screening the educational records, the candidates were sent to the running track. However, on the very first day, more than 40 percent of the candidates dropped out. They were sent to the bus stand and the railway station by buses to return home,” informed a senior district official. The medical examination of the successful candidates will be held from August 24 to August 30.
Massive security arrangements have been made. A magistrate rank official and police force have been deployed for conducting a peaceful recruitment drive.
For the Agniveer aspirants in the Air Force, the written examination was conducted in the district from July 24 to July 31 in which about 2.5 lakh candidates from UP as well as from other states had participated.
The Air Force is conducting the second and third phase examinations of about 3000 successful candidates.
According to administrative officials, 500 candidates are being called every day for the tests.
On Sunday, candidates from Rampur, Agra, Aligarh, Amroha, Bareilly, Kannauj (Uttar Pradesh) and Gwalior, Morena (Madhya Pradesh) took part.
According to the information, more than 250 candidates of the total 500 were rejected in the race.
The successful candidates in the race were given a target of doing 20 push ups. After remaining successful in the race, they had to solve two papers of SRT (mental ability) in 45 minutes. The process of physical efficiency came to an end after a group discussion. The medical examination of the successful candidates will be held from August 24 to August 30.