Agneepath scheme: Ban on 35 WhatsApp groups for spreading fake news

New Delhi: The central government on Sunday banned the Agneepath scheme and 35 WhatsApp groups for spreading fake news on Agneepath, government sources said. The action by the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) came amid reports that social media platforms like WhatsApp were being used to stage protests in states like Bihar, which turned more furious on Friday (June 17), when A mob attacked the Deputy Chief Minister. Renu Devi’s house, besides damaging railway property and disrupting normal life in several districts of Bihar.

According to sources, the Center has also released the number 8799711259 for WhatsApp fact-checking. On June 17, the Bihar government also suspended internet services in 12 of its districts till Sunday, saying the internet was being used to circulate objectionable material to incite public and spread rumors with intent to cause harm to life and property. He is going.

The agitation is being witnessed from June 15, a day after the Bihar government announced a new scheme to recruit youth into the armed forces on a four-year contract basis, after which only 25 per cent would be “regularised” on the basis of performance appraisal. by seniors, while the rest will be discharged from service without pension benefits.

ADG of law and order Sanjay Singh had earlier said, “In three days (from June 15 to June 17) around 620 people have been arrested and 130 FIRs have been registered in Bihar.” Protests against Agneepath Recruitment Scheme, “140 people arrested on Saturday”.

According to East Central Railway, more than 60 trains were canceled and two were terminated till Saturday due to prevailing law and order problems in Bihar and perception of danger to railway property and passengers.

Unveiling the ‘Agneepath’ scheme, Defense Minister Rajnath Singh on Tuesday said that it is a transformative initiative that will provide a youth profile to the armed forces. Will go to the army as Agniveer,” Rajnath Singh had said.

Agneepath scheme has been brought to strengthen India’s security. ‘Agnivar’ will be given a decent salary package and an exit retirement package after four years of service.

The move has been taken to reduce rising wage and pension bills, among major concerns that the move will adversely affect the professionalism, military ethos and fighting spirit of the over 14 lakh strong armed forces.

Notably, Agneepath is an all India merit-based recruitment scheme for the enrollment of soldiers, airmen and sailors.

This scheme provides an opportunity to the youth to serve in the regular cadre of the Armed Forces. All those who are recruited under the Agneepath scheme will be called ‘Agnivar’.

Agniveers will be enrolled for a service period of 4 years including training period. After four years, only 25 per cent of the Agniveers will be placed in the regular cadre or re-enlisted on the basis of merit, willingness and medical fitness. These 25 percent Agniveers will work for a full period of next 15 years.

The first four years of service rendered under the contract are not likely to be taken into account for determination of final pension benefit.

Another 75 per cent ‘Agnivars’ will be monetized with an exit or “service fund” package of Rs 11-12 lakh, partly funded by skill certificates and bank loans, along with their monthly contributions to help them in their second career. Will go