Age of Empires 4: Age of Empires 4: What Microsoft revealed at Gamescom 2021 – Times of India

recently held Gamescom 2021new games are coming xbox Game Pass announced which includes some big names like age of empires 4 and Crusader Kings III. age of Empires 4 is currently under development and Microsoft There are a lot of expectations from the fourth main entry in the classic real-time strategy series. Here are the new details that the Age of Empires team revealed about the game during an Xbox stream.
In an unprecedented move, Age of Empires IV will be augmented with 28 unlockable videos as part of its Hands on History series. The videos are filmed at various locations with experts on the subject and will try to give people a better idea about the lifestyles of humans of the featured civilizations and the challenges they faced in medieval times. Microsoft showed off one of those videos that showed the mechanism for firing a trebuchet. The video was shot on location in Warwick Castle, England, with mechanical engineer Dr. Shiny Somara. Just have a look.

Call it a lesson in history if you like, but Microsoft has stepped up the immersion game with the new series.
Age of Empires IV: New Campaigns
The Age of Empires IV team also offers a first look at hitherto undeclared civilizations and campaigns; juice, were Holy Roman Empire, ns rise of moscow and the Mongol Empire.
Rise of Moscow will be available to players at launch. Two units of the Russian army were demonstrated: the Streltsy and the warrior monk. According to the team, “Streltsy’s combination of ax and gunpowder partnered with the warrior monks’ transformation abilities would make a Russian army a force to be reckoned with.” The dominant power of the Russians would be in their cavalry and the civilization would be skilled in hunting, trade and construction.

The Holy Roman Empire comes with a powerful infantry and early access to religious units. His Prelate Unit can do the dual task of supporting and healing his brothers. The Landsnatch was also seen in action with his two-handed swords in the trailer.
Age of Empires IV will launch on October 28 this year, but it can now be pre-ordered on the Windows Store and Steam.


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