#against all the odds! Ankur Rathi: I always knew I was capable of carving a niche for myself in the Hindi film industry – Times of India

“As you progress in your career, you become a little more aware of the job you choose,” shares Ankur Rathi, as he based on the success of his latest web show ‘city ​​of dreams‘. ‘Celebrity Actor’four more shots please!’ And ‘made in heaven‘It’s come a long way indeed. This week, in Against All Odds, he talks about his journey, the kind of projects he’s willing to do, and how he plans to maintain the personality.

How do you rate yourself as an actor?

My aim is to bring authenticity and do justice to every character I play. Secondly, I have always chosen projects that I believe in; ‘Like I’m doing a film’Thappad‘ It was a huge blessing and an opportunity to tell a story that means a lot to me. As you progress in your career, you become a little more aware of the kind of work you are doing and the kind of messages it is sending, wherever you can.

#against all the odds!  Ankur Rathi: I always knew that I would be able to carve a niche for myself in the Hindi film industry

How do you choose a script?

When people talk about limits, they are talking about restricting themselves from doing certain things. But I have no such restriction. As long as I believe in this project, I am sure that my role will be able to make an impact. There are projects that often send the wrong message – that’s where I draw the line. There have been instances where I was desperate to do something or play a particular role, but then the project/film didn’t work out well. I feel like I was saved by the universe.


What has been the biggest takeaway of your time in showbiz?

‘Listen everyone, do yours’ (Listen to everyone, but do whatever you want). In the beginning a lot of people used to come and tell me what to do and what not to do. Especially in this industry people try to stop you from doing some projects/films. I have only one motto – to be a stronger actor every year, and so far I feel I have a long way to go. But I think ‘Four more shots please!’ I was like Arjuna. And what I was in ‘Taish’ as ​​Krish worked out. I feel stronger and smarter now.


‘Four more shots please!’ After that you made a lot of headlines for your looks. Did it take away your appreciation for your performance as an actor?

I arrogantly think that it’s not just my looks and maybe my craft and my acting have something to do with it. People fall in love with your charm when you do a rom-com because of the way you present yourself. But right after the series, I got a chance to explore myself in many other projects as well, which made people believe that I am also a good actor.

You have followed this ‘Taish’, ‘Made in Heaven’, ‘Thappad’…

I think I’m lucky right now (smiling). People get typecast very easily here, but when you are a versatile actor, and especially during auditions, one gets to know. Directors and producers are then willing to take a chance on you.


Are you happy with how things are shaping up for you in the industry?

this is wonderful! I always knew that I would be able to carve a niche for myself in the Hindi film industry. With time, I feel really blessed. I get to explore and experiment more. The only reason I joined his profession was that I really wanted to be a good actor. My journey so far has been rich and divine. There is still a thousand miles to go for this. There is a lot to grow as an artist, so I am excited about it.


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