After helping thwart major legislation bill, rebel MK vows to do it again if needed – report

Report: Rebel coalition MK will oppose key bill again if it goes to vote next week

Meretz MK Ghaida Rinawi Zobi, who voted on Monday against a key measure to renew the application of Israel’s criminal and civil law for Israelis living in the West Bank, told his colleagues he would be willing to do so if it is brought up. Will again reduce to such a measure. Knesset Plenum next week according to Channel 12 News and Haaretz.

Since the vote, Rinawi Zoabi and fellow renegade coalition MK Mazen Ghanim (RAM) have faced intense pressure to resign, as the coalition struggles to stay afloat and regain its ability to pass legislation. Is.

The bill was defeated in a 52–58 vote after the Islamist Ram Party’s other MK and rebel Yamina MK Idit Silman were absent from the plenum.

This morning, Rinawi Zobi tweeted that while she agreed to remain part of the coalition following Bolt’s threat, she said she would “not support laws that go against my conscience and Arab society and the Palestinian issue.” cause harm.”

The defeated bill, enacted every five years since 1967, would renew Israel’s criminal law and a measure expanding some key civil laws – such as income tax and health insurance – to Israelis living in the West Bank. The measure ensures that settlers living there are treated as if they had lived in Israel in most cases, without providing the same legal protections to Palestinians.

Justice Minister Gideon Saar has previously said the passage of the law is vital to the future of the coalition.