After Google, Intel employees may face problem for not getting COVID vaccine

After Google, Intel employees may have problems if they do not take the Covid vaccine

The US administration has ordered companies with 100 or more employees to ensure that their employees are fully vaccinated or regularly tested for COVID-19 by January 18.

  • IANS
  • Last Update:December 22, 2021, 2:15 pm IS
  • What should I follow:

Chip maker Intel has reportedly informed employees that those who haven’t been vaccinated will have to take a jab or submit a waiver by January 4, or else they’ll be placed on unpaid leave. According to a report in The Oregonian, the tech giant told workers that those who do not receive exemptions for religious or medical reasons will be on unpaid leave starting in April.

The report noted late Tuesday, “It told employees they had a January 4 deadline for vaccinations or sought exemptions, citing government mandates for federal contractors.” Intel Will review employees’ exemption requests by March 15. Google The U.S. has also told its employees that if they fail to fully vaccinate themselves and follow the COVID-19 regulations mandated by the US administration, they will lose their wages and eventually be fired.

Google has reportedly said that if they fail to get vaccinated or submit an exception by January 13, they will be placed on administrative leave for 30 days. for six months and then be terminated,” according to an internal memo. Most US workers will fall under their vaccine requirements, which stems from the president’s Joe Bidenexecutive order.

The US administration has ordered companies with 100 or more employees to ensure that their employees are fully vaccinated or tested regularly COVID-19 until 18 January. Google has asked its more than 150,000 employees to upload the status of their vaccinations to its internal system. As the threat of the Omicron version looms, Google is also rethinking its plan to ask full-time employees to return to offices by January 10.

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