Afraid of a cannabis overdose this Holi 2022? Know quick ways to cure hangover

Quick Remedies to Cure Holi Hangover
Image Source : instagram/platful.treats

Quick Remedies to Cure Holi Hangover

Holi time is near. May this festival of colors bring happiness and joy in everyone’s life. On this day people enjoy delicacies like Gujiya, Papad, Dahi Bhalla and Thandai. While many people like to enjoy the festival with food, others enjoy bhang in their drinks and food. Bhang is almost necessary in Holi parties as people like to lose control and enjoy with their friends and families. However, it is important to understand that an overdose of cannabis is not good. It only leads to bad taste in good memories and leaves you with a severe headache.

If you or someone you know has consumed cannabis and is now battling a hangover, here are some quick and easy ways to get rid of it.

Ways to get rid of a cannabis hangover

  • If you have consumed cannabis in excess and are intoxicated, make sure not to consume any sweets. Fried food should be avoided in this situation as it makes it worse.
  • Drink lots of ghee. You can also use white butter instead of ghee.
  • You can also consume curd as it gives relief from hangover.
  • You can also consume some Ayurvedic medicines, including Ashwagandharishta, Panchatrighrita, Brahmi Sipar and Panchadravyaghrit, after consulting a doctor.
  • You can also drink lemonade, it also reduces intoxication.
  • Drinking tamarind water is also said to be beneficial.
  • Eating roasted gram and orange is also beneficial.

So enjoy Holi, but keep a safe distance from cannabis. Don’t let it ruin the fun. Also, remember all these measures, so that you can help people who have consumed cannabis on the day of Holi and have become a victim of its addiction.