Afghanistan will have ‘peaceful transfer of power’: Home Minister

accept: Afghanistan’s acting Interior Minister Abdul Sattar Mirzakwal has said there would be a “peaceful transfer of power” to a “transitional government” in the country amid reports of Taliban fighters entering Kabul.

Contacting residents of Kabul, the acting interior minister assured them that security forces would ensure the city’s security.

Acting Interior Minister Abdul Sattar Mirzakwal said Kabul would not be attacked and the transition would be peaceful. He assured Kabul residents that security forces would ensure the city’s security,” tweeted Tolonnews.

Reading: Taliban enter Kabul; Says ‘they don’t plan to take Afghan capital by force’

The remarks come amid reports that Taliban insurgents have captured the last major city outside Kabul, which was held by the Afghan government.

Tensions are rising in Kabul with reports of the Taliban approaching the capital as the militant group has already captured Kandahar and other major cities, including Herat.

Three Afghan officials told The Associated Press The Taliban were in the capital’s Kalakan, Karabagh and Pagman districts. Later the terrorists resolved not to take the capital by force as sporadic gunshots could be heard in the capital.

Earlier today, the Taliban announced the capture of the city of Maidan, the capital of the central Afghan province of Wardak, 40 kilometers west of Kabul. The Taliban claimed they had gained control of the governor’s administration building, police headquarters, prison and other public buildings.

It also claimed control of Jalalabad, the capital of Nangarhar province and one of the largest cities in the country.

According to reports, the Taliban now control 90 percent of Afghanistan.

Afghan President Ashraf Ghani had earlier in his address to the nation assured to stop further instability, violence and displacement of people.

The president said regrouping of the country’s armed forces is a “top priority”.


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