Afghanistan crisis: Children ‘left behind in Kabul’ as British passport holders plead for escape

A British man stranded in Afghanistan was filmed today waving a UK passport and telling Boris Johnson: ‘Get me and my kids out of here’.

Speaking with a strong Northern accent, the man told ITV film crews outside a makeshift British embassy in Kabul that the military was refusing to let him into Kabul airport – despite he holding a UK passport.

This came to light after a disturbing video surfaced that purportedly showed two young children who were ‘left behind’ when their parents were allowed into the building without them.

A man showed his British passport and pleaded ITV News Northern accent: ‘I’m a British citizen, my kids are British and we’re stuck here, they’ve locked the door for us and they’re shooting at us.

‘My message to the Prime Minister is, just get us out of here, otherwise my children are struggling and we are all in a big mess here.

‘The British army is right behind these enclosures, they have closed the gate and they are not letting anyone in.’

It comes after dozens tried to enter the makeshift British embassy, ​​but were turned back without explanation while being around Taliban Fighters opened fire in the air in shocking scenes.

some called Joe Biden And boris johnson The Taliban only left them for eight days until the US set a deadline to withdraw all troops from the country.

Desperate British citizens are being prevented from fleeing Afghanistan and they are waving their passports at the authorities to escape

Two children were apparently abandoned at Kabul airport after their parents were allowed to evacuate amid the chaos

Two children were apparently abandoned at Kabul airport after their parents were allowed to evacuate amid the chaos

Disturbing footage shows two crying babies who were allegedly abandoned

Disturbing footage shows two crying babies who were allegedly abandoned

One of those trapped said: ‘Mr Biden, you did. You planned it. You made a deal with the Taliban.

‘This is the result of that. These are its side effects. Mr Biden, this is your wrong calculation. You were against Trump, now we are against you.

‘Go to hell Biden.’

An Afghan interpreter who worked for a year with the Royal Marines in Helmand province was also among those struggling to flee the country.

He along with his wife and children waited the whole night outside the makeshift embassy.

It is being claimed that Taliban guards are dispersing the crowd by firing in the air in an attempt to escape.

It is being claimed that Taliban guards are firing in the air to disperse the crowd as they try to escape.

British Army losing rest amid tireless efforts to organize airlift from Kabulik

British Army losing rest amid tireless efforts to organize airlift from Kabulik

He said: ‘I need help from the UK.’

Another stranded Paralympian was Zakia Khudadi who was to compete in Taekwondo in Tokyo and became the first woman from Afghanistan to represent the country at the Games.

It comes as Britain, France and Germany all joined in pleas for Joe Biden For the delay in the US withdrawal from Afghanistan today.

The Prime Minister will use a virtual meeting of world leaders tomorrow to give people more time to free themselves from the clutches of the people. Taliban – Something that the US President has so far refused to do.

About 6,000 Britons, Afghan employees and their families have now been airlifted by the RAF – but 6,000 more are planned to be flown this week.

French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian said he was “concerned” about the deadline and “extra time is needed”.

Lieutenant Commander Alex Pelham Burns helps children waiting to be evacuated from Kabul Airport, part of a UK deployment

Lieutenant Commander Alex Pelham Burns helps children waiting to be evacuated from Kabul Airport, part of a UK deployment

Dozens tried to enter a makeshift British embassy, ​​but were turned away without explanation, while nearby Taliban fighters fired guns in the air.

Dozens tried to enter a makeshift British embassy, ​​but were turned away without explanation, while nearby Taliban fighters fired guns in the air.

Germany has estimated that 5,000 people are still awaiting safety, with a foreign ministry spokesman saying air bridges should remain open ‘as long as the situation on the ground allows’.

However, the Taliban have said any extension would be a ‘red line’ and warned of ‘consequences’ – as ministers believe they have a ‘vote’ on the timetable.

Despite urging fellow leaders, Mr Biden remained non-committal, saying tomorrow he ‘expects’ not to extend his current deadline.

He promised US citizens that “any American who wants to go home will find a home” but failed to mention his allies.

Mr Biden has set an August 31 deadline for all Americans to leave the country, but UK military sources said another fortnight was needed.

Asked what he would say if G7 leaders pushed him, Mr Biden said: ‘I will tell them we will see what we can do.’

British military commanders are understood to have penciled in 25 August as the last day, as they processed refugees, including former British interpreters, under existing plans before focusing on getting the approximately 1,000 British soldiers and government officials safe home. did. Wat can be done.

This could mean the last British evacuation flight may have to be abandoned tomorrow or Wednesday at the earliest to give troops enough time to withdraw.


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