Afghanistan: At least 15 killed, several injured in blast at seminary in Aybak city

afghanistan explosion, afghanistan news, taliban
Image source: India TV The blast happened during the afternoon prayer.

Afghanistan Explosion: At least 15 people were killed and 27 others injured in an explosion at the Jahdiya seminary in Aibak city of Afghanistan on Wednesday (30 November). Afghanistan’s Tolo News quoted a doctor from the provincial hospital as saying that the blast occurred during afternoon prayers.

The explosion occurred at a religious school in Aibak, the capital of northern Samangam province, according to Abdul Nafi Takor, a spokesman for Afghanistan’s interior ministry.

No group has so far claimed responsibility for the powerful blast. The Afghan affiliate of the Islamic State group has been waging a campaign of violence since the Taliban came to power in August 2021.

Islamic State (IS) has carried out bombings specifically targeting Afghanistan’s Shia Muslim minority, but has also targeted Sunni mosques and madrassas, especially those affiliated with the Taliban. Both the Taliban and the Islamic State group follow a hardline ideology but are fierce rivals.

With inputs from agencies.

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