Accused of stalking over trespassing of property of Taylor Swift

New Delhi: A 35-year-old New York man has been charged with trespassing and stalking after authorities entered two New York City residences linked to singer-songwriter Taylor Swift.

According to The Hollywood Reporter, the suspect, who was arrested on Friday, broke into a residential building located in the city’s Tribeca neighborhood on March 26, police said.

Investigators have said that he “walked through an open door and remained unlawfully” before fleeing on foot when security asked him to leave.

According to a spokesperson of the Deputy Commissioner, Public Information Office, the same person later barged into another residential building attached to Swift on June 12. It was located on the same street, and the suspect called “a 32-year-old woman via the intercom.”

Prior to this, Swift has been at odds with alleged stalkers. Police said a man broke into her Tribeca townhouse in 2018 and took a nap. That same year, according to The Hollywood Reporter, a Colorado man was arrested outside the Beverly Hills home owned by Swift with a knife, rope and ammunition.