Abbas says PA to request full UN membership, cites ‘battle raging over Jerusalem’

Abbas says PA will request full UN membership, cites ‘war on Jerusalem intensifies’

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas says the PA will ask the United Nations this week to grant full membership to the “State of Palestine”.

The remarks, which Abbas made during a meeting on Jerusalem held at the Arab League’s headquarters in Cairo, came as the US urged Israelis and Palestinians to refrain from unilateral steps amid a recent spike in violence, which has included several. Deadly terrorist attacks on Israelis in the West Bank and gun battles between IDF soldiers and Palestinian gunmen.

Abbas says the Palestinians will urge the United Nations to stop unilateral actions from Israel, particularly citing settlement construction, and “abide by signed agreements and resolutions of international legitimacy”, according to the PA’s official statement. According to a statement given by the news agency.

“Supporting Jerusalem and strengthening the steadfastness of those living there and in its environs is a religious duty and a humanitarian and national imperative,” he is quoted as saying.

He continues: “The fierce battle over Jerusalem began not only on the day of its capture in 1967, but decades before that, and even from the Balfour Declaration issued by the colonial powers led by Britain and the US Earlier.”

Abbas claims a 1917 declaration, in which the British government supported the establishment of a national home for the Jewish people in the Land of Israel, aimed “to get rid of the Jews in Europe and to establish a so-called Jewish national home in Palestine”. Had to do. To become an outpost to protect the interests of these colonial countries.

“Just as our people rejected the Balfour Declaration and its consequences, we rejected all attempts to discredit our cause or to falsify the facts about it,” he says.