‘A Roomful Of Zombies’: Anand Mahindra Not Happy With Apple Vision Pro

New Delhi: Mahindra Group Chairman, Anand Mahindra’s tweet on Apple’s new VR headset, ‘Vision Pro’, has sparked a debate. Mahindra reacts to Apple’s ad showcasing the use of the innovative VR headset.

Anand questioned whether this development could potentially signal the death of the large-screen TV display. He also raised concerns about the future of community-viewing, specifically referring to films and sports matches. Anand wondered whether such experiences would now be replaced by rooms full of headset-wearing individuals, referring to them as “zombie”.

The emergence of virtual reality (VR) technology has given rise to speculation about the future of large screen TV displays. Many wonder whether this advancement could potentially signal the decline of traditional television.

netizens divide

A Twitter user named Dilboy said, “I think this will be the final nail in the coffin of multiplexes and a game changer for OTT service providers like Apple TV+. Following technological advancements with user feedback will wait until the form factor becomes more refined.

Denying the statement, a user named USA Vlogger commented that in his opinion, multiplexes provide an amazing opportunity to relax on weekends. They provide the perfect setting for a family outing with a chance for shared laughs, quirky comments and even a chance to hold hands with loved ones. It is a place where you can enjoy some delicious food, watch a movie and later go to a restaurant for a meal. These devices can never replace human emotions where family comes first, and in his opinion, this device can potentially replace a laptop and that’s it.

“I believe they have the potential to bring immense joy to our lives. Looking forward to using them. However, there are potential risks involved. Imagine a crazy driver wearing these devices while driving a car—it Quite a recipe for disaster! However, with each passing day, technology continues to evolve and find solutions to these challenges. It’s just a matter of time! After all, when it comes to technological advancement, we’ll always look back to Apple. can trust!” He further added.