A Race for a ‘Healthy Nation’!! Jawans ran in Fit India Freedom Run. Rail Hunt

Tarkesh Kumar Ojha, Kharagpur

The RPF jawans of Kharagpur division ran on Saturday with the same wish and spirit, with the motto of “Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav”, the distinction between senior and junior was erased and from jawans to officers enthusiastically participated in it. .

A total of 180 trainees, officers and employees of the institute including RP F’s IG cum ZTI Director RP Pawar, Security Commissioner cum Principal RK Sharma and Vice Principal BC Purushti, in this three kilometer long race that started from the Zonal Training School located on the South Side of the city. Be involved. On this occasion, the officials said that the country is celebrating the Diamond Jubilee year of its independence. On this occasion, we all have to take a pledge for a healthy and self-reliant India.

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