a quiz on defamation

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1. Easy to start. Technically, what is the difference between defamation and slander?

2. In March 2016, the website Gawker lost a defamation suit against a famous former professional wrestler after it took him to court for releasing a sex tape in 2012. Name the wrestler.

3. Which former successful cricketer filed suit after the then IPL chairman Lalit Modi’s tweet claiming he was not a part of IPL auction due to match-fixing allegations?

4. Which sitting MP and former cabinet minister sued author Khushwant Singh for a chapter in his book in the 1990s? Truth, love and a little malice About the person’s relationship with a former PM?

5. District Attorney William Peterson, former police officer Gary Rogers and former crime expert Melvin Hett filed a defamation suit against a renowned author after writing a true crime book about the wrongful convictions of Dennis Fritz and Ronald Williamson. Name the author who won the case.

6. Which movie star famously took over the British tabloids? Sunday Accused of beating his wife after publication in court in 2018?

7. Which famous painter sued after art critic John Ruskin described his painting as, Nocturne in Black and Gold – The Falling Rocket, as the equivalent of asking 200 guineas to throw a pot of paint in the public’s face?

8. The ‘small gender rule’, a tactic often used by writers to avoid defamation lawsuits, was first described in a new York Times Dinitia Smith’s article in 1986. What is the rule?

9. The blood libel was a false allegation used to spread anti-Semitic propaganda against the Jewish community in Germany in the 1930s. What did it allege?

10. In a famous case in 2014, Andrew Rector sued Major League Baseball, the New York Yankees, and ESPN for broadcasting his image in a game between the Yankees and the Boston Red Sox. Why did he specifically show her image?


1. Libel wrote, slander is verbal. Both are forms of defamation.

2. Hulk Hogan. The website went bankrupt after settling in for $31 million.

3. A UK court, New Zealand’s Chris Cairns, awarded him £90,000 in damages and a cost of over one million dollars.

4. Maneka Gandhi, the title of the chapter was ‘Gandhi and Anand’.

5. John Grisham. work was the innocent Man, and Dennis and Ronald were acquitted after 10 years in prison. It is his only non-fiction work.

6. Johnny Depp. In 2020, British courts ruled that 12 out of 14 incidents of violence against Amber Heard were ‘substantially true’.

7. James Whistler. When he won the case, the court awarded him just a token firing, and he had to declare bankruptcy due to substantial court fees.

8. Disregarding a recognizable male character at work, and then saying that his penis is small. The logic was that some men would then come forward and claim that they were the same person who was being described and insulted.

9. The Jews used the blood of children for rituals during Passover and other sacred purposes.

10. A camera caught her falling asleep during a pivotal moment in the game, and announcers made fun of her lack of interest in the game. The rector lost the case.

Joy Bhattacharya is a Quiz Master;

Twitter: @joybhattacharj


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