Family members of German broadcaster DW journalist killed by Taliban – World Latest News Headlines

The head office of the German international broadcaster Deutsche Welle (DW) is pictured in Bonn, Germany in September 2016. Marius Baker/DPA/AFP/Getty Images

The German international broadcaster said the Taliban had killed a family member of a journalist for Deutsche Welle.

In an article published on Thursday, DW said Taliban fighters were searching for one of their journalists in Afghanistan, and confirmed that a relative of the journalist was shot dead by the Taliban on Wednesday, while another man was seriously injured. got injured. was Injured. The other relatives managed to escape at the last minute and are absconding, the DW article said.

DW Director General Peter Limberg said: “The killing of a close relative of one of our editors yesterday by the Taliban is unimaginably tragic, and it testifies to the grave danger in which all of our employees and their families in Afghanistan find themselves. ” Article.
“It is clear that the Taliban is already conducting an organized search for journalists in both Kabul and the provinces. We’re running ahead of time!” Limburg added.

The article said the Taliban had searched the homes of at least three DW journalists.

“At this time we are not making any personal statements regarding the tragic incident involving the relatives of one of our journalists,” DW press spokesman Christoph Jumpelt told CNN in a written statement.

On Sunday – the day Kabul fell to the Taliban – DW and other major German news media urged the German government to help its Afghan workers evacuate to Germany.

In an open letter to German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Foreign Minister Heiko Maas, major German newspapers as well as public and commercial broadcasters, including the DW and DPA news agencies, urged the immediate expulsion of their Afghan journalists whose Life was in danger. He also called for an emergency visa program to allow his employees to immigrate to Germany.

The signatories of the letter warned that “the lives of these independent activists are now in grave danger.”

“Life in Kabul has become too risky for employees of international media organizations. With the withdrawal of international troops, including German troops, there is growing concern that the Taliban will take revenge on our employees.

The letter said dozens of journalists have been killed in recent years by the Taliban, the “Islamic State” or unknown individuals – and the government has almost never identified the perpetrators.

“There must be fear that such killings will now increase dramatically – and many of our employees are at risk. Employees who wish to leave the country face harassment, arrest, torture and death. Therefore, we Requesting you to take prompt action.” To say,” the signatories of the letter pleaded.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel has described the Taliban’s takeover of Afghanistan as “bitter, dramatic and terrifying” and stressed the importance of expelling many Afghans who support German military and civilian efforts in the country.


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