World Photography Day 2021: In pictures, 5 women photographers who documented life in India

A picture tells a story better than a thousand worlds – although it may sound like a very cliché line, it’s true. photography is not just a skill What you acquire over time, it is also a way of expression and art that sometimes arises in people who like to tell visual stories. as we celebrate world photography day 2021 Today, it is also important to highlight the splendid work done by some of India’s most talented female photographers. While no list would be comprehensive enough for the work done by these women, we try to highlight some of the talents who have made a mark in the field.

Homai Vyarawala

Congress paid tribute to Homai Vyarawala by tweeting this picture on the occasion of World Photography Day in 2017. (Image: Twitter/Congress)

Homai Vyarawalla was the first Indian female photographer to capture the historic moments of India’s independence in her camera. She entered the profession when very few women were seen working with men. However, there were bigger things in life for him. His camera captured some of the historical moments of India’s journey from British rule to an independent state. His work is nothing less than a history lesson made in a picture.

protima chatterjee

Paromita Chatterjee posted this picture on her Instagram and captioned it: Snowman Quarantine Days (Image: Instagram)

Paromita Chatterjee has covered many social churns in the country through her lens. His work has been featured in many prestigious national and international media organizations. Protima has shed light on social and political issues with her work and is considered one of the most talented photojournalists in India. her instagram handle is

Saumya Khandelwal

Saumya Khandelwal posted this picture and captioned it: Taj, in all its glory and shame. (image: Instagram)

While Saumya Khandelwal’s work focuses on various issues, she has recently started a project to highlight the realities of child brides living in India. She hopes to make a difference in the lives of young girls who are forced to live their lives without any escape or alternatives. Click to see more pictures by him

Cheena Kapoor

(image: Instagram)

Through her work, Chyna Kapoor documents and highlights gender and mental health issues in the country. As a photojournalist, Kapoor has traveled the streets of the Red Right area of ​​India and brought many stories to the world. She has also worked in bringing together the stories of women involved in commercial surrogacy and young female drug addicts, sometimes as young as 5 years old. See more pictures of her ahead

Kopal Goyal

(image: Instagram)

Kopal Goel is a mountaineer and photographer who uses her work to tell the stories of Indian people who find passion in extreme sports like rock and ice climbing, mountaineering, biking etc. Through one of her recent initiatives, Kopal is using her work to celebrate. Women who are breaking barriers at their own game. Click here for more photos:

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