Small Town American Judaism – Sponsored Content | The Times of Israel

from the Hartmann Institutesponsored podcast

Yehuda Kurtzer dives into small-town American Jewish life with Rabbi Rachel Isaacs of Waterville, Maine, director of Colby College’s Center for Small Town Jewish Life.

Small American towns have always had Jews, and their communities differ in important ways from larger, more urban Jewish communities. In this episode, host Yehuda Kurtzer delves into the intricacies of small-town American Jewish life with Rabbi of Beth Israel Congregation of Waterville, Maine, and Rachel Isaacs, director of Colby College’s Center for Small Town Jewish Life. They discuss what constitutes a community in a place with few Jews, lessons born of necessity about how we practice pluralism, and the spirit of communal cooperation that can arise in small-town communities. is more likely. Listen here:

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