9th day of the attack on Ukraine LIVE: Russian fighter jets bombed the fourth school in Ukraine, missiles also fell on children’s playground; 47 killed in Chernihiv

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  • Russia Ukraine War Status Live Updates; Vladimir Putin | Russia Ukraine News | Ukraine Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Plant

Moscow / Kyiv21 minutes ago

The war between Russia and Ukraine continues for the ninth day. The Russian army has captured the Zapojiria Nuclear Plant. Earlier, there was firing here, due to which the plant caught fire. Russian troops captured the plant’s administration and control buildings. Russia is conducting air strikes in Chernihiv. So far 47 people have died in these attacks.

Russian fighter jets haven’t stopped attacks on schools despite appeals. Not long ago Russian fighter jets attacked a middle school in Zhytomyr. The school building was destroyed. Shortly before this, a missile had fallen in the playground of this school. School was closed. So, no one was harmed. Russia So far four schools have been destroyed by Russia. On the other hand, the death toll in Chernihiv has risen to 47.

The fire was brought under control a few hours after the attack on the Japojiria Nuclear Plant.

The fire was brought under control a few hours after the attack on the Japojiria Nuclear Plant.

Emergency responders in Zaporizia have got permission to enter. According to US officials, there is no sign of increasing radiation level from the plant. is being monitored.


  • Putin said- Ukraine is using foreigners as human shields. Ukraine’s ‘Neo-Nazi’ units are preventing foreigners from leaving the war zone.
  • The Russian army has captured the TV tower in Kherson. The Okhtirkas power plant was destroyed by a Russian airstrike.
  • US Senator Lindsey Graham has called for the assassination of Russian President Vladimir Putin.
  • Google and TripAdvisor have blocked War News reviewing maps, restaurants, hotels in Belarus, Russia and Ukraine.
  • Ukraine’s President Zelensky said he had been killed three times in the past week.
  • UN said – 1 million Ukrainians have had to leave their homeland and take refuge in other countries.
  • Those who spoke against Russian soldiers during the Russo-Ukraine war would face 15 years in prison. A law for this has been passed in the Parliament of Russia.
  • The UN said that 209 civilians have died in the attack in Ukraine. More than 1500 have been injured.
  • Meanwhile, Union Minister General VK Singh, who went to pick up Indians in Poland, informed that another Indian student has been shot in Kyiv, who is undergoing treatment.

Russia is resorting to nuclear terror: PM Zelensky
Ukrainian President Zelensky said that Putin wants to carry out another incident like the Chernobyl nuclear accident. Zelensky’s statement came after the Russian army attacked the Zapojiria Nuclear Plant. He said – apart from Russia, no other country has attacked the nuclear plant. This is the first time in history. Russia has started resorting to nuclear terror. British PM Johnson has also accused Putin of endangering the whole of Europe after the attack on Zaporizhia.

Before the war, the Ukrainian government barred people aged 18-60 years from leaving the country.  The government is also giving weapons to civilians to fight the war.

Before the war, the Ukrainian government barred people aged 18-60 years from leaving the country. The government is also giving weapons to civilians to fight the war.

something happened in the conversation
In the second round of peace talks between the two countries, it has been agreed to build the Humanitarian Corridor. Under this corridor, work will be done to deliver food and medicine among the people of the war zone. After the talks, Ukraine said that it is not satisfied with the talks, a third round of meetings will be convened soon.

The second round of meeting to establish peace between Russia-Ukraine ended on Thursday.  Ukraine is not satisfied with this meeting on the Belarus border.

The second round of meeting to establish peace between Russia-Ukraine ended on Thursday. Ukraine is not satisfied with this meeting on the Belarus border.

IClick on the links below to read the most up-to-date and accurate reports on the Ukraine-Russia war…

The head of Russian intelligence said – we have nuclear power, America should not take it lightly
After the Russian Foreign Minister, the head of the SPY’s intelligence department, Sergei Naryshkin, said that Russia is a nuclear power and America should not take us lightly. He said that imposing restrictions is a kind of sham. America wants to keep Ukraine as a puppet.

16,000 foreign volunteers helping Ukraine – Zelensky
Zelensky said that along with the army, 16,000 foreign volunteers have also taken a front against the Russian attack. He has appealed to more people of the world to support him. In a video message, Zelensky said that we have nothing to lose but freedom.

America bans visas of 66 citizens, including Putin’s press secretary

Amidst the war, the US on Friday imposed new sanctions on Russia. The White House said the visas of 66 Russian nationals, including Putin’s press secretary Dmitry Peskov, have been banned. Earlier, the US had imposed sanctions on Russia’s defense exports. At the same time, the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) has suspended the business related to Russia and Belarus.

Apart from this, America has decided to give Temporary Protected Status to the people of Ukraine. With this, citizens of Ukraine can stay in the country without any restriction for 18 months. The Biden administration has also sent a proposal to the US Congress to give 10 billion dollars (about 75 thousand 911 crore rupees) in aid to Ukraine.

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