90-year-old woman dies of being infected with alpha, beta variants of Kovid at the same time

90 year old woman dies, covid variant alpha beta same time, belgium rare case, belgian covid death
Image Source: ap/file image

90-year-old woman dies of being infected with alpha, beta variants of Kovid at the same time

A 90-year-old woman has died in Belgium after being infected with both alpha and beta forms of the coronavirus at the same time, news agency AFP Reported on Sunday.

The elderly, who had not been vaccinated, received nursing care at home. She lived alone. Later, the woman was taken to a hospital in Alst after she collapsed in March and tested positive for Covid-19 the same day.

According to the report, initially his oxygen level was good, but his condition deteriorated rapidly and he died five days later.

Read more: Covid survivors still at risk of reinfection from alpha, beta variants

When she was tested for the presence of any form of anxiety, medical staff found that she was carrying both the alpha strain, which originated in Britain, and the beta version first detected in South Africa.

“Both of these types were circulating in Belgium at the time, so it is likely that the woman was co-infected with different viruses from two different people. Unfortunately, we don’t know how she got infected,” says molecular biologist Anne Venkerbergen, OLV Hospital, who led the research.

He said it was difficult to tell whether co-infection played a role in the patient’s rapid deterioration.

In a press release, Vankerbergen said that there were “no other published cases” of similar co-infection, adding that the “incidence has probably been underestimated”.

Read more: Covaxin effectively neutralizes both alpha, delta forms of COVID-19

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