8th hearing in Karnataka Hijab controversy today: No result came out in the last 7 hearings in the High Court, meanwhile violence erupted in the state

  • Hindi News
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  • Karnataka Hijab Row| High Court To Hear Case Today Again| Harsh Killing| Bajrang Dal Activist Killed

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There is a continuous hearing in the High Court regarding the Hijab controversy in Karnataka, but they are not yielding any result. Meanwhile, violence has erupted in the state’s Shivamogga after Bajrang Dal worker Harsha was stabbed to death. It is being linked to the Hijab controversy itself. Political allegations and counter allegations are also continuing in the state after the murder.

There have been seven hearings in the hijab case so far, but the suspense regarding the decision remains intact. The matter is being heard by a three-judge bench. In Monday’s hearing, the Advocate General told the court that the petitioners have sought permission to wear hijab in school and college. They say that every woman following the religion of Islam is required to wear a hijab, while those who support the hijab want every Muslim to be able to tie (control) the woman.

Advocate General said – Institutions have the freedom to decide the dress code
Initiating the hearing, the Karnataka High Court asked the Advocate General whether wearing hijab can be allowed in institutions or not. To this, the AG replied that the government order leaves the responsibility of taking decisions in this regard to the institutions.

The AG said that the order of the government gives freedom to the institutions to decide the dress. The preamble of the Karnataka Education Act is to promote a secular environment. He says the state’s stand is that no religious identity clothing should be worn in school.

Bajrang Dal worker killed in Shivamogga, tension rises in the city
A Bajrang Dal worker was stabbed to death in Shivamogga on Sunday. The name of 26-year-old Bajrang Dal worker is Harsha. Tension has increased significantly in Shivamogga district after the murder. After which the security of the city has been increased significantly.

Police are also looking at linking it to the hijab controversy, as Harsha posted on her Facebook profile against hijab and in support of saffron shawls. However, the police is engaged in the investigation of the matter.

Rioters set vehicles ablaze in Karnataka's Shivamogga.

Rioters set vehicles ablaze in Karnataka’s Shivamogga.

Congress leader said in the video will cut, FIR registered
A case has been registered against Congress leader Mukarram Khan in Kalaburagi, Karnataka under sections 153 (A), 298 and 295 of IPC. In the viral video, Mukarram Khan is seen saying that those opposing the hijab will be cut into pieces. Don’t hurt our caste (religion), all castes are equal. You can wear anything, who will stop you?

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