8-storey building collapsed in 8 seconds in Shimla: was built on a pile of rubble; The architect asked to build only 4 floors, the owner made 8: after checking the map pass or not, it will be known

Shimla3 hours ago

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Questions are being raised about the building collapsed in just 8 seconds in Ghoda Chowki area of ​​Kachhi Ghati of the capital Shimla. Municipal Corporation Architect Planner Devendra Mista says that whether the map of this building was near or not, it will be known only after investigation. Records in this regard have been sought from the building owner. At the same time, the fire officer says that the architect had asked to build only four floors but the owner made 8 floors. The building owner claims that he has got the building passed from Sada. At present, it is also a matter of investigation that if the map was there, then how was permission given to build an 8-storey building at such an unsafe place. Baluganj Fire Officer Bhupendra Singh said that when he went to the spot, after investigation, it was found that at the time when the building was built, the architect had asked to build only four storeys. Ignoring the architect, the owner made it 8-storey. Everywhere the building was built, there is rubble everywhere.

The building was built on a pile of rubble
Fire officer Bhupendra Singh said that the investigation so far has revealed that the collapsed building was built on a pile of rubble. Here was the debris which was thrown down during the construction of the road. While making the building, even for its base, a permanent place was not found under the ground. Although pillars were installed to stand the building, but due to the lack of a pucca basement, they remained on the rubble. Due to years of rain, the rubble soil gradually left its place. This weakened the foundation of the pillar and eventually the building collapsed.

A building standing on a pile of rubble turned into rubble.

A building standing on a pile of rubble turned into rubble.

Accident left the family living for 33 years homeless
Nirmala Bhatt, the owner of a two-storey house, which was hit by the collapse of an 8-storey building, told that she had built the house in 1986. Her husband died, somehow she raised the children by raising them. Was living here for 33 years, but the accident made him homeless. They are left with bags full of food items and clothes. Everything else got buried in the rubble. Two families were tenants in his house, together they have also become homeless.

Was told 15 days ago to vacate the house
Nirmala Bhatta, the owner of the two-storey house, says that she was asked by the administration to vacate the house 15 days ago. The local patwari told him that the building above you has developed cracks, it can collapse anytime. In such a situation, their stay here is not free from danger. The building can collapse at any time. He didn’t even take out much stuff. Valuables in the house were all buried under the rubble. He could not even take out much of the stuff because while going down, there was often a fear that the building would not collapse while taking out the goods.

Had it not been in time, it could have gone empty many times.

Had it not been in time, it could have gone empty many times.

The building was built in 2005 at the time of Sada
The eight-storey building built in Ghouda Chowki was constructed under SADA in the year 2005. The building is about 15 years old. According to Shailendra Chauhan, Deputy Mayor of Municipal Corporation Shimla, this building belongs to businessman Gurmeet Singh. The building owner says that the building was constructed under SADA. Later this area was included in the Municipal Corporation. At the same time, due to the debris on the entire hill, the land is slowly slipping away. This has increased the problems of the local people living here and has also increased the difficulties of the administration. The administration is getting all the surrounding buildings vacated so that no major accident happens.
Six families lived in an eight-storey building
According to the report released from the administration, the families of Gurbachan Singh, Gurmeet Singh, KR Sharma, Rajiv Sood, Narayan Singh, Vicky Sood were living in eight buildings. They have been shifted from here. DC Shimla Aditya Negi informed that arrangements have been made for the stay of the families in the rest houses of Jal Shakti Department and Public Works Department. A total of eight families have been affected, all have been given an immediate relief of Rs 10,000.

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