700 trainees go out of Airforce Station Avadi | Chennai Information – Occasions of India

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Air Commodore S Sivakumar, Air Officer Commanding of Airforce Station Avadi, evaluations the passing out parade.

CHENNAI: Greater than 700 trainees of car technician, car fitter and air pressure police trades had been inducted into the Indian Air Power after a passing out parade at Airforce Station Avadi.
Air Commodore S Sivakumar, Air Officer Commanding of Airforce Station Avadi, reviewed the parade.
He offered awards to the air warriors who excelled in numerous disciplines of coaching.
Trophies for greatest in commerce had been awarded to main aircraftman S Ullas Reddy, main aircraftman Dhruv Pratap Singh and main aircraftman Manchoji Santosh Kumar amongst car technicians, car fitter and airforce police.
Greatest basically service coaching trophies had been awarded to aircraftsman Baswa Saishiva, aircraftsman Vaibhav and main aircraftman Arpan Kumar Mishra.
Greatest all-rounder trophies had been awarded to main aircraftman Harpreet Singh, main aircraftman Amit and main aircraftman Raghavendra Singh respectively.


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