65-year-old man receives two doses of covid vaccine one after the other at Kerala health center

Sources said on Tuesday that a 65-year-old man was inadvertently given two doses of the Kovidshield vaccine on the same day in Alappuzha, following which the family alleged negligence on the part of health officials. The incident took place at the primary health center in Karuvatta.

Health workers said the center had two counters for vaccination and Bhaskaran, a local resident, first took a jab and went to the second counter and received the second. “He is under observation. At present, his health condition is stable and safe,” a senior district medical officer told PTI.

The official said 170 doses of the vaccine were administered at that center on Monday. Bhaskaran’s family claimed that the health workers did not stop him from pricking him for the second time.

His wife Ponnamma said that he took the vaccine from the first counter and when he reached the second counter, he was vaccinated again. “They thought there was a need to take two doses of the vaccines together. The health officials didn’t even ask. I came to know about it when they asked me to take a second dose.”

He was later admitted to Haripad Taluk Hospital where he is undergoing treatment.

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