6 ways to keep your sugar cravings under control this year

As the new year begins, many people have set goals for the coming months. Remembering the past, people make resolutions according to their choice. And among them, many opt for big, determined resolutions such as working out, eating well, and living a healthy life. However, the real issue comes when many people can’t keep pace with them.

Most people who try to follow a good and healthy diet find it difficult to resist their sugar craving. Getting up early, working out and keeping a disciplined schedule is not as challenging as overcoming your sugar cravings.

Dr. Shalini Garvin Bliss, Senior Dietitian, Columbia Asia Hospital, said that as the sun sets, the craving for sugar increases. And by eating high-calorie food in the late evening, weight increases rapidly.

So, without delay, let’s go through some tips that can help you control your sugar cravings.

1) Drink plenty of water: If you have a craving for something sweet, then drink a glass of water immediately. Your stomach will be full and you will not feel rushed. Dehydration can be the cause of cravings.

2) Don’t eat only fruits: Many people follow only fruit diet to lose weight. However, it is often not recommended or endorsed by dietitians. Undoubtedly fruits are packed with many health benefits, but the daily diet should consist of a mix of fruits and lots of vegetables.

3) Go for a walk: Studies have shown that brisk walking can go a long way in quenching your sweet craving.

4) Don’t stress: Many people eat more food under stress. Therefore, it is better that you avoid unnecessary stress.

5) Get enough sleep: Getting enough sleep is important for overall health. It can also help curb cravings.

6) Have a healthy breakfast: Don’t starve yourself. Start your day with a healthy breakfast.

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